
Book launch ”Exilul Greco-Catolic în Arhivele Securității” by Anca Stângaciu

Book launch ”Exilul Greco-Catolic în Arhivele Securității” by Anca Stângaciu

The Faculty of European Studies at Babeș-Bolyai University hosted an exceptional editorial event: the launch of the book “Exilul Greco-Catolic în Arhivele Securității” written by Mrs. Anca Stângaciu, a lecturer at the Cluj university.

The Ambassador Roberto Musneci had the pleasure of speaking about the Knights of Malta in Romania, who carried out their activities in exile after the establishment of the communist regime in Romania.

The event was attended by Their Excellencies Claudiu Lucian Pop, Greek-Catholic Bishop of Cluj-Gherla, and Cristian Dumitru Crișan, Auxiliary Bishop of the Greek-Catholic Archdiocese of Alba Iulia and Făgăraș, along with professors and students from the Cluj University.

The Embassy of the Sovereign Order of Malta in Romania thanks Mrs. Anca Stângaciu for the work she has done to bring the truth to light and to honor the memory of the confessors of Faith among the daughters and sons of the Romanian Church United with Rome, Greek-Catholic, an integral part of the Catholic Church.