
New visit of Ambassador Musneci in Siret

New visit of Ambassador Musneci in Siret

On Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18, the general manager of SAMR, Ferenc Tischler, the President Mihaly Denes and our Ambassador Roberto Musneci visited our volunteers at the border in SIRET following an earlier visit to Sighetu Marmatei and Ukraine.

They were also joined by the President of the Italian relief corp CISOM, Gerardo Solaro del Borgo and his Italian team. Following a protocol of collaboration signed a week earlier between SAMR, CISOM and the Embassy, the volunteers teams started to work together also in SIRET to support refugees coming from Cernauti.
On the occasion the team also met the Prefect of SUCEAVA, Alexandru Moldovan and the head of the local IGSU. The meeting was aimed at setting up all necessary communication between our team and local authorities to coordinate our activities at the border. The contribution of our volunteers was highly appreciated and plans were discussed to extend our presence over the coming weeks.